Enhancing Operational Efficiency with CMMS for Coca-Cola Saudi Arabia


Coca-Cola Saudi Arabia, a regional leader in the beverage industry, faced challenges in efficiently managing their extensive operations. These challenges included handling complaints, managing customer and outlet information, tracking assets and spare parts, generating invoices, and ensuring quality management. To address these issues, SMH Global Services developed a bespoke CMMS web application.


The primary goals of the CMMS implementation were to:

  • Centralize Complaint Handling:

    Streamline the process for addressing and resolving complaints.
  • Improve Customer and Outlet Management:

    Enhance the tracking and management of customer interactions and outlet operations.
  • Optimize Asset and Spare Part Management:

    Ensure efficient management to reduce downtime.
  • Simplify Invoice Generation:

    Automate the invoicing process to ensure accuracy and efficiency.
  • Enhance Quality Management:

    Implement robust tools for quality management, including scheduling and tracking.
  • Integrate Store and Engineer Applications:

    Seamlessly integrate the store and engineer apps into the CMMS for real-time issue tracking and resolution.

Solution Overview

SMH Global Services designed a comprehensive web application featuring the following components:

  • Integrated Complaint Management:

    A centralized system for logging, tracking, and resolving complaints efficiently.
  • Customer and Outlet Management Tools:

    Advanced features for managing customer data and outlet operations, including real-time monitoring.
  • Asset and Spare Part Management:

    Tools for tracking and managing assets and spare parts to minimize operational disruptions.
  • Automated Invoicing System:

    Streamlined processes for generating and managing invoices accurately.
  • Quality Management Module:

    Advanced scheduling and tracking tools for quality assessments and management.
  • Store Application Integration:

    A dedicated store app to generate complaints from specific stores, ensuring visibility and tracking for all authorized users.
  • Engineer Application Integration:

    Tools for engineers to log, monitor, and resolve real-time issues, providing clear guidance and tracking.

Key Features and Functionality

  • Unified Complaint Handling:

    The application provides a centralized platform for managing complaints, enabling quick resolution and efficient tracking.
  • Enhanced Customer and Outlet Management:

    Tools for real-time management of customer interactions and outlet operations, ensuring better service delivery.
  • Efficient Asset and Spare Part Management:

    Advanced tracking and management of assets and spare parts, reducing operational downtime.
  • Streamlined Invoice Generation:

    Automated invoicing processes to ensure accuracy and timely billing.
  • Robust Quality Management:

    Comprehensive tools for scheduling, tracking, and managing quality assessments.
  • Store App Integration:

    A seamless integration of the store app for generating and tracking complaints from specific stores, ensuring all issues are visible to relevant stakeholders.
  • Engineer App Integration:

    A dedicated engineer app for real-time issue logging, monitoring, and resolution, enhancing operational efficiency.



The implementation of the CMMS web application resulted in significant operational improvements for Coca-Cola Saudi Arabia, including:

  • Increased Operational Efficiency:

    Streamlined processes led to faster complaint resolution and better resource allocation.
  • Enhanced Transparency:

    Improved visibility into operational issues and detailed tracking logs increased accountability.
  • Better Customer and Outlet Management:

    Enhanced tools for managing customer data and outlet operations resulted in higher service quality.
  • Reduced Downtime:

    Efficient management of assets and spare parts minimized disruptions and extended asset lifecycles.
  • Accurate Invoicing:

    Automated invoicing processes ensured accuracy and timeliness in billing.
  • Real-Time Issue Tracking:

    Integration of store and engineer apps facilitated real-time tracking and resolution of issues, boosting overall efficiency.



The bespoke CMMS web application developed by SMH Global Services provided Coca-Cola Saudi Arabia with an effective solution to streamline operations and enhance efficiency. The tailored application facilitated centralized complaint management, improved customer and outlet operations, optimized asset and spare part management, and ensured accurate invoicing. The integration of store and engineer apps enabled real-time issue tracking and resolution, significantly boosting operational efficiency and service delivery.

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